Visit Geneva And Experience Its Natural and Cultural Beauty
Located at the western end of Lac Leman, with France just a
mile away, Geneva’s skies are always painted with the silhouettes of
snow-capped mountains, and as for the city, its always bustling with
international diplomats and tourists. If you wish to visit Geneva here are a list of attractions that you mustn’t miss:
The lake is the undisputed star of Geneva. With a backdrop of
the Alps, the lake is the background for many of the divinest city views. You
can get from one part of the city to another on its Mouettes Genevoises,
motor-launches that have travelled between lakeside quays since 1897. If you
are looking to just get a taste of the lake then opt for a trip on one of the paddle
de Saint-Pierre
Dating back to 1150, the Cathedral of Saint-Pierre, the
Romanesque church is situated at the peak of Geneva's old town, features some
Gothic essentials. During the Protestant Reformation, in which Geneva frolicked
a significant role, the name was changed to Temple de Saint-Pierre. John Calvin
preached sermons here from 1536 to 1564, and his followers brought the altars
to its bare bones, stripping it of its art, and sculptures, leaving only the engraved
capitals and the stained glass from its original ornamentation.
Southeast of the Ariana, between the Avenue de la Paix and
the Chemin de l'Impératrice, you'll find Geneva's botanical garden, established
in 1902 to swap a smaller one in the Parc des Bastions. Its glasshouse
conservatories, gardens, and conservatoire cover about 28 hectares and showcases
more than 12,000 species of plants and trees. An Alpine Garden displays plants
from Switzerland's high elevations, and the herbarium is one of the largest in
the world, with six million samples. A small animal area comprises fallow deer
and Peacocks and additional wildlife.
d’Art et d’Histoire
One of Switzerland's three main museums, Geneva's Musée d'Art
et d'Histoire owes its extraordinary assortments to the union of several
regional museums, with additional contributions from private collectors. The outcome
covers the fields of applied and fine art and archaeology, with a collection of
weapons, Greek and Roman art riches, Middle Eastern and Eastern Mediterranean
antiquities, Roman and Etruscan pottery, and Egyptian funerary art.
Book your tickets now on XcelTrip
to visit Geneva and experience
the beauty of nature and culture.
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