XcelTrip Partner With Manny Pacquiao Foundation!

XcelTrip and XcelPay on the 29th of October, 2019 at 11:00 AM joined hands with Manny Pacquiao Foundation (MPF) as their official travel and transaction partners. Since conception, the Manny Pacquiao Foundation (MPF) has played a very important role in the lives of the less fortunate in society, food, housing, but most of all, hope. Now, they are taking a step further by joining in the blockchain/cryptocurrency revolution. The foundation is announcing a partnership with blockchain/cryptocurrency partners that they will start accepting cryptocurrency donations as a way to help more people globally. “XcelTrip and XcelPay are happy to join Manny Pacquiao Foundation as their Official Travel and Transaction Partners, we are honoured to participate and contribute to the amazing work the foundation is doing”, quoted Gyanadra Khadka the CEO of XcelTrip and XcelPay XcelTrip a Next- Generation travel platform powered by the blockchain technology, has been built solely to...